Hello "Out There"! Polar Bear Advent Calendar Art for December 14

Today’s Polar Bear Portrait

This polar bear hopes you enjoy Tuesday, December 14th…. although I think if you were this close , well, I think this bear might enjoy its day, but you...?!?

The Grey is the December 10th Polar Bear Advent Calendar Art

A Beautiful Polar Bear…

.. rising from a grey sea. A grey painting for a grey, but beautiful day here in the Toronto area. I hope you enjoy your day!

Here is December 9th's Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar

Polar Bear Prayers

Today’s polar bear art is created from Polar Bear Prayers, an original oil painting on a 6” diameter round canvas. To learn more about this painting, please click here.

Suspense Of Beauty for Dec. 8th Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar

Here's December 8th's polar bear art! A detail from "The Suspense of Beauty" .

In this original oil painting, a flash of the northern lights reveals a beautiful polar bear suspended beneath the surface of the sea. A buoyant animal, and strong swimmer, it is comfortable in this underwater space.

But the frozen sea is its true place, vital to travel, hunting, mating, denning. Due to our changing, warming climate, the decrease of sea ice formation and the increase between the time it melts and reforms, the fate of the polar bear species, as with this bear, is in suspense. The polar bear fur and face glows against the black, blues and blue-greens of the dramatic background.

30” x 30” x 1.5”. Wired, ready to hang. Certificate of Authenticity.

Available. Click Shop Original Art Reasonable offers welcome!



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Here's the Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar for Dec. 5th

Into the Northern Lights is Dec. 5th’s Bear

To learn more about this artwork and see it in its entirety, please click Shop Original Art

Here's December 4th Polar Bear Advent Calendar Art

Happy December 4th!

I hope you enjoy your Saturday, and although I know it's a busy time of year, I hope you can find a moment to chill like the little polar bear cub in today’s art.

Today's Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar is a detail of the painting "Triplets", here. There was great excitement in the north this year because earlier in the year, a mother bear was spotted with triplets in tow. Triplets used to be a more common occurrence, but none had been spotted for a few years. In honour of triplet cubs, I created these three bears nestled around mama bear in their den. It is almost time for them to depart on their long and perilous journey to the ocean's edge. But for now they are are warm, protected, and thriving on their mother's milk. Mom is patiently a climbing apparatus (know that feeling?) and the siblings provide fun company.

But, as usual, the threat to polar bears from climate change, is always there in my artwork. There is a surprise to this painting. Learn the story behind this painting and the surprise here.

Available for sale. Do you know you can make me a reasonable offer on larger art work?

#adventcalendar2021 #adventcalendarart #polarbear #polarbearcub #triplets #bearcub #animallovers #uniquegifts #canadianart #arctic #endangeredanimals #countdowntoChristmas #Christmascountdown #oilpainting #artforsalebyartist #artfortheheart #artforthehome #wildlifelover #naturelovers #beauitful #cute #paintingoftheday

Here's Today's Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar Bear

It's Dec 3rd! A Sruffy Little Bear is the Face for Today!


This little cub face is the flip image of "Scruffy" a 12" h x 6" w palette knife painting . The palette knife brings out the texture of a little bear who has been playing hard out in the tundra. It looks like a pretty bright little bear, don't you think? To learn more about the original painting , please click here .

December 2nd Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar

Today’s Polar Bear Art - Polar Bears on a Pedestal

Today’s polar bear art Together on a Pedestal is a detail of the 12”h x 4” w palette painting of a polar bear mom and her cubs. They are happily on the way on the ice.

It's Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar Time!

Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar Begins!

This is the third year of my daily advent calendar posts. Itrs fun for me to create and followers on IG and Facebook have have let me know its fun for them to check up on a daily polar bear countdown to Christmas, too.

Here’s the polar bear for Dec. 1st. It’s digital art, inspired by my painting “The Fall”.

Why I Use Polar Bears on my Military Helmet Art

An Art Salute to Polar Bears, Service Men & Women

Salute. My polar bear art on my donation to TPL Foundation Annual Gala 2021

The artwork on the helmet Salute symbolizes the respect, loyalty and responsibility practised

in the military and also the same that is owed to it by the country it serves.

My art practice focuses on the theme of polar bears, their vulnerability from climate change and the Canadian connection to it. The “strong and free” polar bear shares many attributes with the military - bravery, strength, resilience, and tenacity.

In my series of paintings entitled Golder Bear , I often portray a polar bear face set against a metallic gold, halo-like sun. The sun’s rays reach out connecting the viewer to the bear, the sun and the challenge of our warming climate. Gold paint symbolizes the “wealth” and “value” of nature.

Salute is created in the Golden Bear style. But in this artwork the polar bear’s face is framed by a gold maple leaf. Instead of the sun’s rays to connect us, there is a motif of repeating maple leaves, that blends almost camouflage-like. This “Canadian” pattern connects to the back of the helmet, where the golden silhouette of a soldier, looks ahead in salute, to a setting sun skyline of gold maple leafs. The soldier, the country and the polar bear, all to be valued and protected.

Respect and Remembering

On tonight!! The True Patriot Love Foundation Gala

I am honoured to have my details of my artwork include on the True Patriot Love Foundation Gala Banner. This annual fundraiser is all about supporting Canadian veterans and their families. The art helmet auction is now active and you can check out the terrific art helmets (mine helmet "Salute" lot #14) This is the third year I have created original helmet art with my polar bears on it. The auction is now on and I'll post more about that shortly.

Details of the artwork

The 23rd. A young child plays carefreely on the Canadian National War Memorial. The memorial's 22 figures representing the service men and women of WW1, are ghost like and moving. The child, is solidly rooted in the present.

Remembering. A soldier (my son) stands point on first Remembrance Day back from his extended tour of duty.

Waiting for His Turn to Go. A soldier watches a flock birds migrate. He is waiting for his call to duty.

#remembranceday2021 #remembranceday #canadaremembers#supportveterans #torontoevents #happeningtoday #artauction#artcollectors #helmets #militarycommunity #saluteandrespect

True Patriot Love Gala Auction Nov. 10, 2021 Three leaves contain details of Christine Montague

THE 23.National War Memorial in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. ©Christine Montague

Remembrance Day. Not Black and White. Digital art © Christine Montague

Waiting For His Turn to Go. Graphite on illustration board. ©Christine Montague

Here's a Portal to a Sturdy Polar Bear

A Round Portrait for a Round (ish) Bear

"One Sturdy Little Polar Bear" is a contemporary little artwork that serves as a portal to the polar bear's world. The roly poly bear looks just how it should be after a winter of successful hunting and feasting on ringed seal. The twinkle in its eyes is more than the refection of the stars, it is the polar bear's bright intelligence shining through. Because not only is the polar bear the largest bear in the world, it is the smartest, too.


This painting is available and comes with a round black frame, s signed and wired ready for hanging. Certificate of Authenticity supplied.


6 inch diameter canvas. + black frame


$225 CAD incl. taxes+shipping to USA and Canada.

To purchase https://www.christinemontague.com/buy-art-now/one-sturdy-little-polar-bear (opens in new window)

Sturdy Polar Bear ©Christine Montague 6” diameter canvas plus frame makes it approximately 8 inch diameter.

Sturdy Polar Bear ©Christine Montague 6” diameter canvas plus frame makes it approximately 8 inch diameter.

An Invitation to Bring Feel Good Summertime Memories Into Your Home

I’m pleased to announce that my painting Hydrangea Blues has been awarded first prize in the Kefi Art Gallery “Summertime Memories” online juried fine art exhibit in a virtual gallery . I am honoured that a detail of the painting is is used on the invitation below. To read more about this summer artwork, please scroll down.

To see the complete painting , and enjoy a walk through a virtual gallery, please click Kefi Art Gallery (opens in a new window)

Invitation to Kefi Art Gallery Summertime Memories . This is a detail of Hydrangea Blues. Please scroll down to view the complete painting.

Invitation to Kefi Art Gallery Summertime Memories . This is a detail of Hydrangea Blues. Please scroll down to view the complete painting.

Hydrangea Blues is a 60" wide by 20" high oil painting on canvas.

My oil paintings of summer offer escape into days at the cottage or by the lake. They are about the promise of contented, quiet, and mindful moments alone, often before the day begins, or when it is done. They are about solitude without loneliness.  They are meant to invoke memories and emotions - good ones - but  will probably stir up longing for carefree days and warmer weather, too. 

My scenic figurative artworks are mostly inspired by the Canadian locales I vacation at and am fond of, usually in Ontario. Hydrangea Blues, could be easily be in Ontario, and is meant to be universal in mood, but in truth, it is inspired by the beautiful blue hydrangeas that surrounded the century old cottage I stayed at in Chappaquiddick, Mass., USA.  

In Hydrangea Blues, a young woman, a girl really,  sits in the shade of the cottage. She is lost in thought, her feet resting on the cool flagstone path.  She is probably relieved to not only be out of the heat, but to be away from parents and siblings. Whether she misses her friends or her phone, we don’t know. Her thoughts are hidden, as she almost is, amongst the gentle blue hydrangeas. 

This painting is one of the most ambitious artworks I have created. A lot of intricate work went into making sure the overlapping leaves and flowers took the eye up and around the figure, across the canvas, then down to zig zag along the path and up the legs and arms to the subject’s face.  The brush strokes in her hair point to a branch in the bush, and so our trip around the canvas begins again. 

Like most of the world, I love the colour blue, and enjoy using it in my art. It is a popular colour because we equate it to nature , especially sky and water.  

It actually makes one feel good to look at a blue painting, and this one is no different. All those beautiful blue flowers, set amongst the fresh green of the leaves, were a joy to paint as well as to look upon. 

This  painting is created in a slightly more graphic style than what I usually use. There is a lot of an outline to the shapes and the colours are more selective. But I feel this works as  there is a brightness and youthfulness in this, that suits both the young model and the subject matter. 

Hydrangea Blues. ©Christine Montague 20” x 60” x 1.5” oil painting on canvas.

Hydrangea Blues. ©Christine Montague 20” x 60” x 1.5” oil painting on canvas.

New! Framed Round Portrait Art

Like a Window to Your Loved Ones

Those of you familiar to my polar bear art, have seen the recent paintings that are meant to be portals to the polar bear world. That series of paintings are on 6 inch diameter canvases and come framed.

It dawned on me that the size is comparable to my 6 inch Little Portrait Paintings commissions, so I wondered what would portraits look like on the larger sized round canvases I was trying out?

I discovered I love creating these round works and so am pleased to offer this new creative service!

Introductory price (for one face) -

  • 6” diameter framed round portraits from a photograph $250 CAD (incl. hst ) plus shipping

  • 12” diameter framed round portraits from a photograph $600 CAD (incl. hst ) plus shipping

  • 18” diameter framed round portraits from a photograph $900 CAD (incl. hst ) plus shipping

  • Custom larger sizes are available

I hope you enjoy these images as much as I did creating them. Please contact me

Portrait of a Husky Malamute mix. Portrait oil painting . This canvas is 18” diameter plus the black frame (included in price)  Introductory price: $850 CAD + shipping. Wired and ready to hang.  Certificate of Authenticity supplied. This painting is…

Portrait of a Husky Malamute mix. Portrait oil painting . This canvas is 18” diameter plus the black frame (included in price) Introductory price: $850 CAD + shipping. Wired and ready to hang. Certificate of Authenticity supplied. This painting is available for sale.

Portrait of A Young Woman in a Pink Shirt . Portrait oil painting. This canvas has a 12 inch diameter  plus frame. (included in price). It is wired, ready to hang. This size is introduced at $600 CAD +shipping. Certificate of Authenticity supplied.

Portrait of A Young Woman in a Pink Shirt . Portrait oil painting. This canvas has a 12 inch diameter plus frame. (included in price). It is wired, ready to hang. This size is introduced at $600 CAD +shipping. Certificate of Authenticity supplied.

For now this is an example of a 6” diameter  canvas + frame. Although  I realize you will see  Starry Bear is available for for slightly less here , a commissioned portrait , for a variety of reasons( one of them is the lengthier time it takes to cr…

For now this is an example of a 6” diameter canvas + frame. Although I realize you will see Starry Bear is available for for slightly less here , a commissioned portrait , for a variety of reasons( one of them is the lengthier time it takes to create a commissioned portrait) is offered at $250 CAD + shipping.