arctic animals

Here's December 20 Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar

We’re All in This Together

Today's Polar Bear has a couple of titles - one of which We Are All In This Together. And whether climate change issues (what this was created for with its crown of Canadian provincial & territorial flowers ) or the pandemic, we most certainly are, aren't we? Enjoy your December 20th, may you be safe and well.

To learn more about this available 30” x 30” painting, please click here. Do you know I actually will consider any reasonable offer on larger art? Please contact me here

Here's December 16th's Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar

Wise Eyes For Troubled Times is Today’s Painting

Inspired by the beautiful, intelligent polar bear that enjoys the solitude, wonder and beauty of its arctic night journey. The bear in this painting gives us a “look”. We know what we have to do, that inner strength, that fortitude, it’s there. The original oil painting is a 6" round canvas, a portal into the polar bear world, and round like our beautiful planet. It is attractively framed in a black, and is wired, ready to hang. To see or purchase the original artwork , please click Shop Original Art

The Grey is the December 10th Polar Bear Advent Calendar Art

A Beautiful Polar Bear…

.. rising from a grey sea. A grey painting for a grey, but beautiful day here in the Toronto area. I hope you enjoy your day!

Here's the Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar for Dec. 5th

Into the Northern Lights is Dec. 5th’s Bear

To learn more about this artwork and see it in its entirety, please click Shop Original Art

Special Offer. Special Bear. Special Day. Special Code. International Polar Bear Day 2021 Celebration

Special Offer! Enter code POLARBEAR21 for 10% off

In celebration of International Polar Bear Day Feb. 27th, 2021 I am excited to offer my polar bear art at a special value! Valid from February 23 - Feb. 28, 2021

(Sorry, cannot be applied to custom art or portraits)

Shop for polar bear art here.

An example of savings -

In the Pink (below) Regular price is $884.96 CAD + 115.04 hst = $1000 CAD

Special price until (and incl.) February 28th, 2021 is $796.46 CAD + 103.54 hst = $900 CAD

BONUS! Free shipping to Canada.

About International Polar Bear Day

International Polar Bear Day is held annually to raise awareness of the polar bear and its vulnerability to climate change. On this day, as well as the days leading up to it, Polar Bears International, a world wide acclaimed resource of research on polar bears, offers a delightful selection of live events .

A lot of what I have learned about polar bears, I have learned from PBI, as well as from another favourite of mine the Churchill Northern Studies Centre (CNSC). I had an incredible learning adventure at the CNSC, and it was there, out on the tundra, Our Tundra Buggy actual passed Tundra Buggy One, the PBI research buggy.

As a result, I always try to commit a portion of my polar bear paintings sales to polar bear research.

In the Pink. 24” x 25” oil painting on canvas. ©ChristineMontague More info on this painting here

In the Pink. 24” x 25” oil painting on canvas. ©ChristineMontague More info on this painting here

Growl - The Polar Bear Painting of the Day

Here’s Portrait 2 of the Mini Polar Bear Portrait Series


A miniature portrait of a big bear in bright light, but his mood? Maybe not so sunny. The light reflects nicely on those big teeth, don't you think? This portrait may be little, but the might of this highly intelligent polar bear, top arctic predator, is still evident!

Oil painting on 8" x 8"x 1.5" Canvas

$200 CAD. Free shipping to Canada and USA.

To purchase-


Beauty in Suspense

A flash of northern lights reveals a beautiful polar bear suspended beneath the surface of the sea. A buoyant animal, and a strong swimmer, it is comfortable in this underwater space.

But the frozen sea is its true place, vital to travel, hunting, mating, denning.

Due to climate change, sea ice forms later in the fall, and melts too soon in the spring, leaving the fate of the polar bear species, in suspense.

But for the time, in this painting, we can admire the beauty, and power of the bear, envy its solitude, see the intelligence in its bright eyes. Beautiful deep blues, green, and unlike the situation, black and white.

Contact me here more more info about Polar Bear Beauty in Suspense.

Beauty in Suspense. ©Christine Montague 2018 30” x 30’ x 1.5” oil painting on canvas.

Beauty in Suspense. ©Christine Montague 2018 30” x 30’ x 1.5” oil painting on canvas.

Detail of Beauty in Suspense ©

Detail of Beauty in Suspense ©

Beauty in Suspence was recently on exhibition at In Situ 2018, an exciting multi arts festival held at CreativeHub 1352 (Small Arms Inspection Building), Mississauga, ON. Canada. Although this photo is anything but exciting (I don’t have permission …

Beauty in Suspence was recently on exhibition at In Situ 2018, an exciting multi arts festival held at CreativeHub 1352 (Small Arms Inspection Building), Mississauga, ON. Canada. Although this photo is anything but exciting (I don’t have permission to publish the works it was hanging by.), it does give a good representation of how it looks on the wall, and how the edges are painted.