Happy International Polar Bear day

Why a Polar Bear Day?

Although everyday in my thinking is polar bear day, there is actually an official day created by Polar Bears International (PBI). PBI is the only organization solely focussed on polar bear research, education, and protection . At any time of the year you can find engaging info on their website - www.polarbearsinternational.org . But today, you can watch live events with researchers, do a craft, or see the recordings of this past weeks live events. As well, they have received a double your money matching grants so that your gift will double in value! Money from this grant will go to developing new technology to locate bear dens.

Why Today?

This day was chosen because this is the time of year the mother bear and her cubs emerge from their carefully hidden den. It is a very vulnerable time for mom and cubs.

Once out of the den, they remain by the den for a while as the cubs play, and nurse, building the stamina to make the lengthy journey out to the sea ice. She must be on constant guard for other predators, as the cubs play around her. If you watched "The Nature of Things'" on CBC tv the other night, there is a tense scene as a wolverine, which can take down a cub, or even a moose apparently, skirts the area.

The mother bear may not have eaten in as long as 8 months by this time. I think this is one of the hardest concept for us lay people to understand. The polar bear nutrition is received from the fat of the ringed seal. Even water is obtained from the fat breakdown in its system.

So a polar bear mom has not really eaten all summer long and into the fall. She has dug her den, given birth and nursed her cubs in the den, all living off her own fat.

Now she has judged it safe to let her cubs leave the den. Her cub or cubs (up to 3) will be energetically nursing, and all the while she grows hungrier. At some point she decides it is time to go, and make their way to the frozen sea, where they will feast on seal. That is , after she catches one.

Wait, didn’t I just write it is spring and they are emerging from the den? How is the sea frozen so they can hunt for those oh, so necessary, seals.

Well.. the mother bear could make it to the shores edge in days. but with cubs? According to The Nature of Things -weeks!!

And this is why people are so concerned about climate change. That sea ice is melting sooner, and freezing up later. So that starving mother bear, who must is using up all her fat reserves to produce fat rich milk and feed herself, is at greater risk. and so are her cubs.

Now, according to PBI, industry looking to develop in the north will put the polar bear habitat itself- at risk. This is why it is so important to help them now. www.polarbearsinternational.org

Special for Special Bear, Special Day & Special You

And if you are looking for some polar bear art to cheer up your walls -

Until Sunday, Feb. 28th, 2021, enter code POLARBEAR21 on any of my polar bear paintings to receive 10% off. Free shipping in Canada. Small works ship free to USA.


Until February 28, 2021 enter POLARBEAR21 for 10 % off all original polar bear art

Until February 28, 2021 enter POLARBEAR21 for 10 % off all original polar bear art

Until February 28, 2021 enter POLARBEAR21 for 10 % off all original polar bear art

Until February 28, 2021 enter POLARBEAR21 for 10 % off all original polar bear art

Until February 28, 2021 enter POLARBEAR21 for 10 % off all original polar bear art

Until February 28, 2021 enter POLARBEAR21 for 10 % off all original polar bear art


Polar Bear Rock

Polar bears rock ! Yes, polar bears are awesome, but there's another way they "rock", too.

In the fall , the polar bear finds its way to the sea’s shore to wait for the ice to form. It has been months since it has feasted on it vital source of nutrition - the ringed seal. And it needs the frozen sea in order to catch this seal, travel, mate, and shelter.

Polar bears are excellent at conserving their energy. They enjoy a nap amongst, (or on) the rocks and willows. It is easy from afar to mistake a still, motley white and cream polar bear for one of the big rocks in the landscape.

In my latest polar bear painting, A Polar Rock Waiting Beneath the Northern Lights, a graphically painted landscape, I strive to bring you into the magic and otherworldliness of the north. It is a world as filled with wonder and danger, beauty and vulnerability, found in any storybook tale.


30" x 40"x 1.5" oil painting. Edges are black. Wired, ready to hang.


Regular price is $2500 CAD. However, until Feb 28th, 2021 enter POLARBEAR21 to receive 10% discount in celebration of International Polar Bear Day. Free shipping in Canada


Special Offer. Special Bear. Special Day. Special Code. International Polar Bear Day 2021 Celebration

Special Offer! Enter code POLARBEAR21 for 10% off

In celebration of International Polar Bear Day Feb. 27th, 2021 I am excited to offer my polar bear art at a special value! Valid from February 23 - Feb. 28, 2021

(Sorry, cannot be applied to custom art or portraits)

Shop for polar bear art here.

An example of savings -

In the Pink (below) Regular price is $884.96 CAD + 115.04 hst = $1000 CAD

Special price until (and incl.) February 28th, 2021 is $796.46 CAD + 103.54 hst = $900 CAD

BONUS! Free shipping to Canada.

About International Polar Bear Day

International Polar Bear Day is held annually to raise awareness of the polar bear and its vulnerability to climate change. On this day, as well as the days leading up to it, Polar Bears International, a world wide acclaimed resource of research on polar bears, offers a delightful selection of live events .

A lot of what I have learned about polar bears, I have learned from PBI, as well as from another favourite of mine the Churchill Northern Studies Centre (CNSC). I had an incredible learning adventure at the CNSC, and it was there, out on the tundra, Our Tundra Buggy actual passed Tundra Buggy One, the PBI research buggy.

As a result, I always try to commit a portion of my polar bear paintings sales to polar bear research.

In the Pink. 24” x 25” oil painting on canvas. ©ChristineMontague More info on this painting here

In the Pink. 24” x 25” oil painting on canvas. ©ChristineMontague More info on this painting here

Yorkies in Sweaters, Coundn't Be Better

Two Yorkshire Terriers, One Adorable Painting

Do you know that almost all of the portrait commissions I receive are commissioned as a surprise gifts for a loved one? This recent portrait of two adorable Yorkshire Terriers in their hand knit sweaters was no different!

Earlier this year, I was contacted via email to about painting the portraits. The client emailed me the photos. As, the dogs were not together in the photos, I sent back some simple sketches of how the dogs could be painted on separate canvases or together in a composite. The client liked them together, and I quite agreed.

It was a pleasure to paint these little dogs, so full of personality. And painting that little pink tongue and co-ordinating sweater was priceless.

Oh, and about paintings commissioned as a surprise - I personally love to be the recipient of a thoughtful , heart felt surprise, and in no way would I ever want to deprive someone of that lovely moment. This is why, in this age of share everything on social media, you never see my portraits online as works in progress, etc. It is only after I am sure that the recipient has it and loves it, that I may post the portrait. .

If you are interested in a portrait from a photo, please feel free to contact me. OR to read how to commisson a portrait, sizes, prices and examples click here. Portraits can be of people, pets, objects, places, homes, and of course, polar bears! I ship worldwide.


Get Ready to Run

Here are a series of polar bear paintings, that viewed together animate an arctic night life moment.

At approximately 12" wide, the polar bear paw width is the same height as the paintings below.

In Paws Pause, (info here) a handsome polar bear pauses on its solitary journey in the arctic night. What does it sense out there in the dark? Its sensitive nose can pick up scents from over a kilometre away. And its round, furry ears hear better than ours. Then….

Paws Pause. First in the series.  ©Christine Montague

Paws Pause. First in the series. ©Christine Montague

Our intrepid bear is Thinking (info here)….and….

Thinking. Second in the series.  ©Christine Montague

Thinking. Second in the series. ©Christine Montague

….now, the paws of this powerful, apex predator, with their thick, curved and very sharp 2 inch plus claws, have changed direction. And appear to be heading your way. So...

"Oh, oh"

(info here)

Oh, Oh. Third in the series.  ©Christine Montague

Oh, Oh. Third in the series. ©Christine Montague

I often use blue in my polar bear art because it is one of the world's most popular colours, and it symbolizes intelligence, nature, royalty, and spirit. Perfect for the intelligent , curious and powerful polar bear, one of the world's most favourite animals.

Each of these original oil paintings is 12”H x 6”W x 1.5”D wood panel. Edges are black. Wired and ready to hang. A Certificate of Authenticity is supplied.

$195 each CAD. includes taxes. BONUS! Free shipping to Canada and USA. Wish to buy all 3? Contact me for additional savings. Please contact me here

Growl - The Polar Bear Painting of the Day

Here’s Portrait 2 of the Mini Polar Bear Portrait Series


A miniature portrait of a big bear in bright light, but his mood? Maybe not so sunny. The light reflects nicely on those big teeth, don't you think? This portrait may be little, but the might of this highly intelligent polar bear, top arctic predator, is still evident!

Oil painting on 8" x 8"x 1.5" Canvas

$200 CAD. Free shipping to Canada and USA.

To purchase-



Polar Bear Painting of the Day - Family is Golden

Some Polar Bear Familytime.

Today’’ painting suits a Sunday morning post -

Family is Golden

Family, love, & togetherness are represented by this pink, gold and rose gold acrylic paint on wood panel.
The polar bear is an intelligent, good mother. Polar bear cubs climb all over the mama bear just as our human little ones do. Her cubs stay with her for about 30 months.

In my art gold paint represents the royalty and intelligence of the polar bears, and the richness of nature.

Crackled white paint adds to the illusion of fur in the painting, but the "cracks" also symbolize the vulnerability of this polar bear family due to climate change.

A stylized gold ribbon behind them represents the northern lights, as well as our connection to the bears.

The sides of the wood panel are painted gold. The painting is wired and ready for hanging.

24"H x 12"W x 0.75"D wood panel

Special price $500 CAD. Free shipping in Canada.

Shop here

Family is Golden. 24” x 12” ©Christine Montague wood panel.

Family is Golden. 24” x 12” ©Christine Montague wood panel.

Polar Bear Cubs- How to See the Picture


This stylized oil painting has a climate change story to tell, and can be hung vertically or horizontally to do so. 

Hung horizontally: In my latest oil painting, Triplets, three polar bear cubs affectionately play with their mother, secure and warm in their den. It is rare that 3 cubs are born and so this is one lucky polar bear mother.

One of the cubs is in the shadows. It could be a sign of foreboding, but is more a comment of how the healthier a bear is the more likely multiple births succeed. (Recently, a Polar Bears International post mentioned a bear with three cubs was observed for the first time in five years.) 

Triplets. Hung horizontally. ©Christine Montague Oil painting. 20” x 30”

Triplets. Hung horizontally. ©Christine Montague Oil painting. 20” x 30”

Hung vertically: The bear family’s survival is dependant on sea ice. Too early a breakup of the ice in the spring, and a delay in its formation in the fall, leaves the polar bear and cubs vulnerable to starvation, drowning and threat from male bears. 

30” x 20” x 1.5” oil painting on canvas. Edges are painted black. Wired, ready to hang. Certificate of Authenticity supplied. 

Triplets hung vertically. 30”h  x 20”w ©Christine Montague

Triplets hung vertically. 30”h x 20”w ©Christine Montague

Looking Back Moving Forward - Happy New Year

Looking Back, Moving Forward

The painting below has the perfect title - Looking Back, Moving Forward - for New Year's Eve. New Year’s Eve is all about saying goodbye to what has been a heck of a year, and saying hello with great anticipation, to the new one.

Looking Back, Moving Forward tells a story about a polar bear in the spring (the next thing we can look forward to). The arctic night has ended, dramatic sunsets make their reappearance , the sea ice is breaking up, and the polar bear returns to the tundra. As the day draws to an end, the sun’s glory is reflected off the open water, the remaining ice, and the polar bear's translucent fur - sea, ice and polar bear connected by its light, colour and warmth.

In the movies, setting off into the sunset symbolizes a happy ending, but it is also the promise of a new day ahead.

Wishing you all a better new day, and New Year ahead!

Looking Back, Moving Forward is a 24" x 24" x 1.5" oil painting ©Christine Montague . It is available.


The Polar Bear Life Preserver

Polar Bear Life Preserver

The intrepid polar bear, backlit by the northern lights, is perched upon a circular ice floe. There isn't much room, but not to worry, this marine mammal is a powerful swimmer.

The real question is how much sea ice will our bear find located out past the picture frame? It is the frozen sea that the polar bear depends upon for travel, hunting, food and shelter. It is the frozen sea that is the life preserver for our beautiful bear.

12" x 12" x 1.5" oil painting on canvas

Edges are painted black. Wired, ready to hang. Certificate of Authenticity supplied.

$350 CAD. Free shipping to Canada and USA.

Please contact me.

Polar Bear Life Preserver  ©Christine Montague

Polar Bear Life Preserver ©Christine Montague

Polar Bear No. 25 Wishes you a Very Merry Christmas!!

.. and so do I!

Everyday from Dec. 1st until today, Dec. 25th, I added a new polar bear painting to my Polar Bear Advent Calendar. Thank you for following along!

My wish for you is the beauty and wonder of the Day, good health and peace of mind.

Fond regards ,


Detail Rising in the Moonlight. Please scroll down to see the complete painting with ut text.

Detail Rising in the Moonlight. Please scroll down to see the complete painting with ut text.

Here is the last of the special offers ( valid until December 31st, 2020 $130 CAD includes shipping to USA & Canada.

Rising in the Moonlight

In this portrait oil painting, a polar bear, spotlit by the moon, rises up from beneath the surface of the dark arctic sea.

Polar Bear Rising in the Moon Light. ©Christine Montague Until Dec 31, 2020. $130 CAD includes shipping to Canada or USA.

Polar Bear Rising in the Moon Light. ©Christine Montague Until Dec 31, 2020. $130 CAD includes shipping to Canada or USA.

10” x 8” x .75 " oil paint on wood panel. It is signed by the artist. It is wired and ready for hanging.

Special offer until Dec. 31, 2020

Reg. $260 CAD. NOW $130 CAD incl. shipping to Canada + USA

Please contact me

The Polar Bear Balancing Act. Dec. 24th Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar

Everyday from Dec 1- 25th, a new polar bear painting is offered at a special value! (valid until Dec 31, 2020)

The Polar Bear Balancing Act

It's all a balancing act. The right balance will keep the polar bears, and us, healthy and safe.

This image is framed in gold metallic acrylic paint. Gold symbolizes the royalty of the polar bear in the animal kingdom, the value of keeping life in balance, and the sun. 

The edges are painted black. Wired, ready to hang. Signed, unique work completion number and a Certificate of Authenticity

8” x 10” .75 " acrylic paint on wood panel. 

Special offer until Dec. 31, 2020

Reg. $260 CAD. NOW $130 CAD incl. shipping to Canada + USA

Please contact me

Detail of Polar Bear Balancing Act. Please scroll down for full painting  (8” x 10”) without text.

Detail of Polar Bear Balancing Act. Please scroll down for full painting (8” x 10”) without text.

The Polar Bear Balancing Act. 8” x 10” ©Christine Montague. Contact me

The Polar Bear Balancing Act. 8” x 10” ©Christine Montague. Contact me

Watch Out Racoons! Here's Dec. 23rd of the Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar

Everyday from Dec 1- 25th, a new polar bear painting is offered at a special value! (valid until Dec 31, 2020)

Polar Bear Bandit

Why a bandit? Because the polar bear, as one of the world’s most beloved animals, has stolen our hearts! A bit racoon-like (now there’s a bandit), but the halo -like moon behind, shines on this bear’s innocence. 

This is an acrylic + gold metallic acrylic painting on wood panel.The sides, however, are painted black giving the work a graphic look. The paint is slightly textured. 

Graphite, white, black & metallic gold acrylic paint

10” x 8” x .75 " wood panel.  Wired and ready to hang.

Special offer until Dec. 31, 2020

Reg. $260 CAD. NOW $130 CAD incl. shipping to Canada + USA

Please contact me

Detail of  Polar Bear Bandit.  Please scroll down for original 10” x 8” painting without text. .

Detail of Polar Bear Bandit. Please scroll down for original 10” x 8” painting without text. .

The complete painting. Trim, halo, and details, including highlights in eyes are metallic gold.

The complete painting. Trim, halo, and details, including highlights in eyes are metallic gold.

What is This Polar Bear Thinking Of? Here's the Latest Advent Calendar Art Special

Everyday from Dec 1- 25th, a new polar bear painting is offered at a special value! (valid until Dec 31, 2020)

Consideration of the Polar Bear King: Polar Bear #22

The handsome, intelligent bear in this painting stands, paws together. It is if he is listening patiently to someone before him & thoughtfully considering what is said. Oh, oh. If it’s a representative of the human race before him, we ‘ve got some explaining to do.

The halo-like gold sun that radiates behind him symbolizes his powerful and royal position as top predator in the arctic.

The gold metallic paint also represents the wealth we have in the nature around us. And like the polar bear, gold is beautiful to most who behold it.

The edges of this acrylic painting on wood panel have been painted in gold. 

10” x 8” x .75 " graphite, white, black & metallic gold acrylic paint on wood panel. 

The edges of this wood panel are painted gold. Wired and ready to hang.

Special offer until Dec. 31, 2020

Reg. $260 CAD. NOW $130 CAD incl. shipping to Canada + USA

Please contact me


Polar Bear King Moves On. Here's Today's Very Special Offer

Everyday from Dec 1- 25th, a new polar bear painting is offered at a special value! (valid until Dec 31, 2020)

Polar Bear King Moves On

Behind this regal polar bear a metallic gold sun radiates. The halo-like gold sun symbolizes his powerful and royal position as top predator in the arctic.

The Polar Bear King Moves On (Detail). To see the full 10” x 8” panel, please scroll down.

The Polar Bear King Moves On (Detail). To see the full 10” x 8” panel, please scroll down.

The gold metallic paint also represents the wealth we have in the nature around us. And like the polar bear, gold is beautiful to most who behold it. 

The gold also represents the sun, and global warming. The polar bear moves on, ahead of the situation for now. 

The edges of this acrylic painting on wood panel have been painted in gold. 

Because graphite is used in this work, the painting has been varnished to seal in the line work. The painting is wired and ready for hanging. 

10” x 8” x .75 " graphite, white, black & metallic gold acrylic paint on wood panel. 

The edges of this wood panel are painted gold. Wired and ready to hang.

Special offer until Dec. 31, 2020

Reg. $260 CAD. NOW $130 CAD incl. shipping to Canada + USA

Please contact me

The Polar Bear King Moves On ©Christine Montague Metallic acrylic paint &  graphite on panel. Varnished.

The Polar Bear King Moves On ©Christine Montague Metallic acrylic paint & graphite on panel. Varnished.

What's this Polar Bear Going For? Dec. 20th Polar Bear Has the Answer

Everyday from Dec 1- 25th, a new polar bear painting is offered at a special value! (valid until Dec 31, 2020)

Going For Gold Dec. 20th Bear

Although, polar bears are marine mammals and powerful swimmers, it is the frozen sea on which they are dependant for survival. This little painting of a big bear shows its powerful stroke moving forward.  A ringed seal would be nice reward!

4” x 6” x 1.5 " acrylic paint on wood panel. 

The edges of this wood panel are painted gold. It is free standing, perfect for a shelf, or table. Signed & unique work completion number. Certificate of Authenticity is supplied.

Special offer until Dec. 31, 2020

Reg. $195 CAD. NOW $130 CAD incl. shipping to Canada + USA

Please contact me


Why the Halo? Advent Calendar Polar Bear # 19 Answers Why

Everyday from Dec 1- 25th, a new polar bear painting is offered at a special value! (valid until Dec 31, 2020)

Sun Halo Cub 2

The gold in this painting symbolizes the richness of our planet and the power of the sun. Halo-like the sun appears behind this cub.  Perhaps, we should be regarding our connection to nature as more holy.   

The curvy shape behind this little bear represents the ice on which the polar bear is so dependant upon for survival. 

And the baby blue? Perhaps it is about innocence, or water.. But maybe I was providing a little sibling for Polar Bear No. 15 (December 15th). :D

The edges of this wood panel are painted gold. My miniature works on panel are designed to stand..

4” x 6” x 1.5 " acrylic paint on wood panel. 

The edges of this wood panel are painted gold. It is free standing, perfect for a shelf, or table. Signed & unique work completion number. Certificate of Authenticity is supplied.

Special offer until Dec. 31, 2020

Reg. $195 CAD. NOW $130 CAD incl. shipping to Canada + USA

Please contact me


Here's Today's Featured Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar Painting

Everyday from Dec 1- 25th, a new polar bear painting is offered at a special value! (valid until Dec 31, 2020)

GOLD Dec. 18th Bear

Gold represents the royalty of this magnificent marine animal. The metallic gold acrylic paint on much of the artwork continues around the edges.

6” x 4” x 1.5 " acrylic paint on wood panel. 

Artist signature on the front, unique work completion number on the back. Certificate of Authenticity is supplied.

Special offer until Dec. 31, 2020

Reg. $195 CAD. NOW $130 CAD incl. shipping to Canada + USA

Please contact me

Gold ©Christine Montague ChristineMontague.com Original painting does not have text. Please scroll down.

Gold ©Christine Montague ChristineMontague.com Original painting does not have text. Please scroll down.


Why the Halo? The Inspiration for Dec 17th Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar

Today’s Featured Polar Bear in the Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar 

December 17th Special Offer -

Sun Halo Polar Bear 1

Is it a halo or the sun that frames this polar bear’s handsome face? Gold metallic paint, and a stylized purple ice floe connect us to the royalty of this incredible marine mammal and its vulnerability from our warming planet.

Sun Halo Polar Bear 1 ©Christine Montague ChristineMontague.com

Sun Halo Polar Bear 1 ©Christine Montague ChristineMontague.com

The edges of the wood panel are painted in gold acrylic paint. Perfect for standing on a shelf or table. 
6” x 4” x 1.5 " wood panel. 

Artist signature on the front, unique work completion number on the back. Certificate of Authenticity is supplied.

Reg. $195 CAD, NOW $130 CAD incl. shipping to Canada and the USA. Special offer valid  until Dec. 31, 2020.

Please contact me