Why a Polar Bear Day?
Although everyday in my thinking is polar bear day, there is actually an official day created by Polar Bears International (PBI). PBI is the only organization solely focussed on polar bear research, education, and protection . At any time of the year you can find engaging info on their website - www.polarbearsinternational.org . But today, you can watch live events with researchers, do a craft, or see the recordings of this past weeks live events. As well, they have received a double your money matching grants so that your gift will double in value! Money from this grant will go to developing new technology to locate bear dens.
Why Today?
This day was chosen because this is the time of year the mother bear and her cubs emerge from their carefully hidden den. It is a very vulnerable time for mom and cubs.
Once out of the den, they remain by the den for a while as the cubs play, and nurse, building the stamina to make the lengthy journey out to the sea ice. She must be on constant guard for other predators, as the cubs play around her. If you watched "The Nature of Things'" on CBC tv the other night, there is a tense scene as a wolverine, which can take down a cub, or even a moose apparently, skirts the area.
The mother bear may not have eaten in as long as 8 months by this time. I think this is one of the hardest concept for us lay people to understand. The polar bear nutrition is received from the fat of the ringed seal. Even water is obtained from the fat breakdown in its system.
So a polar bear mom has not really eaten all summer long and into the fall. She has dug her den, given birth and nursed her cubs in the den, all living off her own fat.
Now she has judged it safe to let her cubs leave the den. Her cub or cubs (up to 3) will be energetically nursing, and all the while she grows hungrier. At some point she decides it is time to go, and make their way to the frozen sea, where they will feast on seal. That is , after she catches one.
Wait, didn’t I just write it is spring and they are emerging from the den? How is the sea frozen so they can hunt for those oh, so necessary, seals.
Well.. the mother bear could make it to the shores edge in days. but with cubs? According to The Nature of Things -weeks!!
And this is why people are so concerned about climate change. That sea ice is melting sooner, and freezing up later. So that starving mother bear, who must is using up all her fat reserves to produce fat rich milk and feed herself, is at greater risk. and so are her cubs.
Now, according to PBI, industry looking to develop in the north will put the polar bear habitat itself- at risk. This is why it is so important to help them now. www.polarbearsinternational.org
Special for Special Bear, Special Day & Special You
And if you are looking for some polar bear art to cheer up your walls -
Until Sunday, Feb. 28th, 2021, enter code POLARBEAR21 on any of my polar bear paintings to receive 10% off. Free shipping in Canada. Small works ship free to USA.
Until February 28, 2021 enter POLARBEAR21 for 10 % off all original polar bear art
Until February 28, 2021 enter POLARBEAR21 for 10 % off all original polar bear art
Until February 28, 2021 enter POLARBEAR21 for 10 % off all original polar bear art