Original , beautiful polar bear paintings for those who love polar bears, the arctic, fine art , who care about climate change & are inspired & find hope in nature & art.
A flower crown sits on the head of a fearsome polar bear. He shows us his teeth to remind us he is a powerful bear, king of the arctic.
This flower crown is placed on him in tribute and honour. It represents, as it always has, love, eternity and victory. The flowers and leaves of a flower crown, hold symbolic meaning, and the flora in this painting is no different.
60 - 80 % of the world's polar bears reside in Canada, so this flower crown composed of the flowers of the Canadian provinces and territories, as well as the nation’s symbol, the maple leaf. In honour, and with love, it is placed on this mighty bear’s head.
The flowers are in the order of the provinces, with the exception of those of the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, which are placed more centrally on the polar bear.
They are: Pacific Dogwood (British Columbia), Wild Rose (Alberta), Western Red Lily(Saskatchewan), Prairie Crocus (Manitoba), Fireweed (Yukon), Purple Saxifrage (Nunavut), Mountain Avens (Northwest Territories), White Trillium (Ontario), Blue Flag Iris (Quebec), Mayflower (Nova Scotia), Purple Violet (New Brunswick), Lady’s Slipper (Prince Edward Island), Purple Pitcher Plant (Newfoundland and Labrador).
This painting was awarded "Jurors' Award" (1st prize) at the Headwaters Arts Juried Show, a prestigious juried art show in Ontario, Canada.
30” x 30” x 1.5”. Wired, ready to hang. Certificate of Authenticity.
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