Today’s Polar Bear Art - Polar Bears on a Pedestal
Today’s polar bear art Together on a Pedestal is a detail of the 12”h x 4” w palette painting of a polar bear mom and her cubs. They are happily on the way on the ice.
Polar Bear Art
Today’s polar bear art Together on a Pedestal is a detail of the 12”h x 4” w palette painting of a polar bear mom and her cubs. They are happily on the way on the ice.
Salute. My polar bear art on my donation to TPL Foundation Annual Gala 2021
The artwork on the helmet Salute symbolizes the respect, loyalty and responsibility practised
in the military and also the same that is owed to it by the country it serves.
My art practice focuses on the theme of polar bears, their vulnerability from climate change and the Canadian connection to it. The “strong and free” polar bear shares many attributes with the military - bravery, strength, resilience, and tenacity.
In my series of paintings entitled Golder Bear , I often portray a polar bear face set against a metallic gold, halo-like sun. The sun’s rays reach out connecting the viewer to the bear, the sun and the challenge of our warming climate. Gold paint symbolizes the “wealth” and “value” of nature.
Salute is created in the Golden Bear style. But in this artwork the polar bear’s face is framed by a gold maple leaf. Instead of the sun’s rays to connect us, there is a motif of repeating maple leaves, that blends almost camouflage-like. This “Canadian” pattern connects to the back of the helmet, where the golden silhouette of a soldier, looks ahead in salute, to a setting sun skyline of gold maple leafs. The soldier, the country and the polar bear, all to be valued and protected.
Polar bears rock ! Yes, polar bears are awesome, but there's another way they "rock", too.
In the fall , the polar bear finds its way to the sea’s shore to wait for the ice to form. It has been months since it has feasted on it vital source of nutrition - the ringed seal. And it needs the frozen sea in order to catch this seal, travel, mate, and shelter.
Polar bears are excellent at conserving their energy. They enjoy a nap amongst, (or on) the rocks and willows. It is easy from afar to mistake a still, motley white and cream polar bear for one of the big rocks in the landscape.
In my latest polar bear painting, A Polar Rock Waiting Beneath the Northern Lights, a graphically painted landscape, I strive to bring you into the magic and otherworldliness of the north. It is a world as filled with wonder and danger, beauty and vulnerability, found in any storybook tale.
30" x 40"x 1.5" oil painting. Edges are black. Wired, ready to hang.
Regular price is $2500 CAD. However, until Feb 28th, 2021 enter POLARBEAR21 to receive 10% discount in celebration of International Polar Bear Day. Free shipping in Canada
(Sorry, cannot be applied to custom art or portraits)
In the Pink (below) Regular price is $884.96 CAD + 115.04 hst = $1000 CAD
Special price until (and incl.) February 28th, 2021 is $796.46 CAD + 103.54 hst = $900 CAD
BONUS! Free shipping to Canada.
In the Pink. 24” x 25” oil painting on canvas. ©ChristineMontague More info on this painting here
Paws Pause. First in the series. ©Christine Montague
Thinking. Second in the series. ©Christine Montague
….now, the paws of this powerful, apex predator, with their thick, curved and very sharp 2 inch plus claws, have changed direction. And appear to be heading your way. So...
"Oh, oh"
Oh, Oh. Third in the series. ©Christine Montague
A miniature portrait of a big bear in bright light, but his mood? Maybe not so sunny. The light reflects nicely on those big teeth, don't you think? This portrait may be little, but the might of this highly intelligent polar bear, top arctic predator, is still evident!
Oil painting on 8" x 8"x 1.5" Canvas
$200 CAD. Free shipping to Canada and USA.
To purchase-
Triplets. Hung horizontally. ©Christine Montague Oil painting. 20” x 30”
Triplets hung vertically. 30”h x 20”w ©Christine Montague
"Blue Prince" is the Spanish, French and Italian reference for "Prince Charming". And this polar bear is definitely that. Blue is the world's favourite colour & is associated with nature. It makes you feel good to look at blue. Deep blue symbolizes intelligence, dignity, and authority.
This bear attends looks to the right towards the future, but is also standing solidly in place. His past and future fates are at a crossroad. With action - for example, reducing carbon emissions & single use plastic use, as well as turning down the thermostat -the future ahead for this bear is not to be simply the stuff or folklore (you know, once upon a time, there was this great white bear.) Action, means the polar landscape, polar animals, and the rest of the planet will have a fairy tale ending.
Edges are painted black. Wired, ready to hang.
30" x 40" x 1.5"
$1900 CAD Free shipping to Canada. Contact me
Curb-side delivery available for those in the Greater Toronto area.
The painting below has the perfect title - Looking Back, Moving Forward - for New Year's Eve. New Year’s Eve is all about saying goodbye to what has been a heck of a year, and saying hello with great anticipation, to the new one.
Looking Back, Moving Forward tells a story about a polar bear in the spring (the next thing we can look forward to). The arctic night has ended, dramatic sunsets make their reappearance , the sea ice is breaking up, and the polar bear returns to the tundra. As the day draws to an end, the sun’s glory is reflected off the open water, the remaining ice, and the polar bear's translucent fur - sea, ice and polar bear connected by its light, colour and warmth.
In the movies, setting off into the sunset symbolizes a happy ending, but it is also the promise of a new day ahead.
Looking Back, Moving Forward is a 24" x 24" x 1.5" oil painting ©Christine Montague . It is available.
Polar Bear Life Preserver ©Christine Montague
Detail Rising in the Moonlight. Please scroll down to see the complete painting with ut text.
Here is the last of the special offers ( valid until December 31st, 2020 $130 CAD includes shipping to USA & Canada.
In this portrait oil painting, a polar bear, spotlit by the moon, rises up from beneath the surface of the dark arctic sea.
Polar Bear Rising in the Moon Light. ©Christine Montague Until Dec 31, 2020. $130 CAD includes shipping to Canada or USA.
10” x 8” x .75 " oil paint on wood panel. It is signed by the artist. It is wired and ready for hanging.
Detail of Polar Bear Bandit. Please scroll down for original 10” x 8” painting without text. .
The complete painting. Trim, halo, and details, including highlights in eyes are metallic gold.
Everyday from Dec 1- 25th, a new polar bear painting is offered at a special value! (valid until Dec 31, 2020)
The Polar Bear King Moves On (Detail). To see the full 10” x 8” panel, please scroll down.
The Polar Bear King Moves On ©Christine Montague Metallic acrylic paint & graphite on panel. Varnished.
Gold ©Christine Montague Original painting does not have text. Please scroll down.
Earth Bear 1 with photoshopped text. ©Christine Montague oil painting
Earth Bear in its natural form. . ©Christine Montague
(valid until December 31, 2020)
Bright in the Night. ©Christine Montague Please see original below for painting without text.
Bright in the Night. ©Christine Montague
Just Saying Hello . ©Christine Montague 4” x4” x 1.5” painting. Text not on original art, All paint is metallic. gold, blue & green.
Just Saying Hello ©Christine Montague. Without text. Sides are gold.