
Polar Bear No. 25 Wishes you a Very Merry Christmas!!

.. and so do I!

Everyday from Dec. 1st until today, Dec. 25th, I added a new polar bear painting to my Polar Bear Advent Calendar. Thank you for following along!

My wish for you is the beauty and wonder of the Day, good health and peace of mind.

Fond regards ,


Detail Rising in the Moonlight. Please scroll down to see the complete painting with ut text.

Detail Rising in the Moonlight. Please scroll down to see the complete painting with ut text.

Here is the last of the special offers ( valid until December 31st, 2020 $130 CAD includes shipping to USA & Canada.

Rising in the Moonlight

In this portrait oil painting, a polar bear, spotlit by the moon, rises up from beneath the surface of the dark arctic sea.

Polar Bear Rising in the Moon Light. ©Christine Montague Until Dec 31, 2020. $130 CAD includes shipping to Canada or USA.

Polar Bear Rising in the Moon Light. ©Christine Montague Until Dec 31, 2020. $130 CAD includes shipping to Canada or USA.

10” x 8” x .75 " oil paint on wood panel. It is signed by the artist. It is wired and ready for hanging.

Special offer until Dec. 31, 2020

Reg. $260 CAD. NOW $130 CAD incl. shipping to Canada + USA

Please contact me

Here's the Newest Bear in the Polar Bear Art Advent Calendar Special

December 13th Polar Bear. Today’s Special Offer -

Earth Bear 1

This polar bear painting celebrates polar bears and the connection we all have to the earth. This little bear looks quite amused and quite cute with a flower growing on its head, but, I think it would be better is tulips can’t grow in this polar bear’s environment. 

Earth Bear 1 with photoshopped text. ©Christine Montague oil painting ChristineMontague.com

Earth Bear 1 with photoshopped text. ©Christine Montague oil painting ChristineMontague.com

Oil painting on 4” x 4" x 1.5 " wood panel. 

The background colour carries around the edges. Artist initials on the front, artist signature &  unique work completion number on the back. Certificate of Authenticity is supplied.

Special offer until Dec. 31, 2020.

$130 CAD incl. shipping in North America  Reg, $195 CAD .

Please contact me

Earth Bear in its natural form. . ©Christine Montague

Earth Bear in its natural form. . ©Christine Montague

Shrodinger's Cat, er, Polar Bear

A Polar Bear Cub Painting

The polar bear cub painting below,  is the second in my Sink/Swim series of polar bear  oil paintings. This painting comments on  sea ice loss and its negative effect on the polar bear habitat. 

Sinking or Swimming?

©Christine Montague. Sink/Swim 2. 12" x 6" oil painting. 

©Christine Montague. Sink/Swim 2. 12" x 6" oil painting. 

Climate change has decreased the amount of sea ice necessary for the mother bears to hunt seals, feed their young, and sometimes den. The season of open water from spring to fall has increased, delaying the opportunity to hunt. Cubs do not yet have that great insulating layer of fat and so the mother bear must carry the baby bears on her back as she swims to the next ice top.  These trips  are not always successful. Polar bear cubs just simply vanish along the route, and sometimes the mothers do, too.

The bear cub above, does not seem distressed. Like with the experiment Schrodinger's Cat, it is up to the viewer's thoughts about what this bear's state of being is.

For my online gallery of polar bear art – paintings and portraits, please visit ChristineMontague.com